If you can only fit in ONE exercise to help you prepare for road races and track season this year, do this! The hips are chronically skipped in the weight room and they are the most important area to strengthen to help your running gait stay efficient, strong, and fast! Why Weak Hips Lead …
It has long been thought that running is so natural that you just know how to run from an early age. While this is true in many instances, our modern lifestyles can train children to have a less than ideal running gait. Where running may have started out perfectly in some children, by the …
I chose Beth as the current featured athlete because she’s your typical runner – but with a twist. She spent a good year running with pain and decided to put the time and effort into addressing her weaknesses, correcting her running form and at the same time she decided upon a HUGE goal for 2014: to …
When I was Invited to The White House You read that correctly! This year I was lecturing at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting in Las Vegas, NV on (big surprise here) running. Once the lecture was over I was asked by a representative from The White House if I would be willing …
What to Eat from 3 Weeks to 30 minutes Before Your Race Everyone that has been training hard for months before a race has some of the same worries. At the top of that list: FOOD! In the last three weeks before your race, don’t change your diet drastically. You may feel an excessive hunger …
Most of us dislike running hills. That’s probably because we don’t know how to run hills or we don’t run them often enough! There are a few guarantees from running hills: you will get more comfortable and faster on them over time and you will be come a better runner from doing them! Incorporating hill …
The long run can be a daunting and confusing, however absolutely necessary, task in your preparation for a half marathon or full marathon. The purpose of this article is to take some of the confusion out of planning your long run pace (and to help you put faith in your coach when they tell you …
Side leg lifts are important for runners because they increase the hip strength, endurance and help to keep your hips level for a more efficient running gait and increased power production. Do these to reduce injury risk and become a stronger, faster runner! Thanks!
For beginning runners, back pain or other pains can cause a lot of issues. Usually, this is an indicator that your core muscles are weak or not working correctly. If you have never really done any core work before, this strengthening is a great way to get started. If you think that you are pretty …