If you can only fit in ONE exercise to help you prepare for road races and track season this year, do this! The hips are chronically skipped in the weight room and they are the most important area to strengthen to help your running gait stay efficient, strong, and fast! Why Weak Hips Lead …
Young Runner Overcomes Chronic Knee Pain to Achieve Competitive Success Client Profile High school cross country athlete, age 14, aspiring to compete at a high level while managing chronic knee pain. The Challenge A promising young runner faced significant obstacles to her athletic development: Persistent chronic knee pain affecting training and racing Unable to consistently …
Client Profile Competitive runner, age 12, experiencing recent onset of knee pain threatening her running season The Challenge A promising young athlete confronted significant performance barriers: Knee pain developing within the past month Risk of missing training and racing opportunities Potential long-term impact on athletic development Performance limitations due to persistent discomfort Concerns about continued …
First of all, what is asymmetry in running gait? It is a difference from side to side in how much push off motion you have on one side vs the other, or how much your hip drops when you land on one side vs the other side. Every single joint angle that I measure can …
In this video I show you how real time gait retraining can change how a person runs immediately in the same session. This will allow a runner to continue training while we are also performing strengthening, mobility and manual treatment during the course of care. If we provide gait retraining initially we can keep …
Ankle sprains can occur when you’re just walking or running and “roll” your ankle. Unfortunately, getting back to normal doesn’t just happen with rest or time. Many people will need more assessment and intervention to address any mobility or muscle or ligament problems that may have happened during the sprain. Here is a bit more …
It has long been thought that running is so natural that you just know how to run from an early age. While this is true in many instances, our modern lifestyles can train children to have a less than ideal running gait. Where running may have started out perfectly in some children, by the …
If you feel short of breath or get side stitches often while you’re running one problem you may be having is that you’re taking shallow breaths using your chest rather than using your diaphragm. If you can use your diaphragm muscle to pull down and help to fully fill your lungs, you’ll get better oxygen …
Achilles Pain! Achilles tendinitis, tendonopathy, heel pain, all of these can really slow you down and even cause you to stop running altogether. Eccentric strengthening is the best known exercise to perform for tendon issues. However, you may be missing an important part of this exercise. Eccentrics consist of raising up with both legs and …