If you don’t have access to an indoor gym or treadmill, you don’t have to channel your inner Emil Zatopek – the 1965 Olympic Champion who would run in place on top of dirty clothes piled up in his bathtub when the weather outside prevented him from running. Do a circuit routine in the …
The Refined Run Warm 12 is a dynamic warm up for runners, consisting of 12 easy to remember movements, working our way from your head to your toes! This dynamic warm up for running incorporates movements for all joints and muscles in your body that need to be loosened, activated, warmed and primed to support …
Hip mobility is essential to have good running form and to prevent injury and increase your efficiency as a runner. This video demonstrates how to perform the best hip mobilization for a good push off and hip and pelvic control during running. Thanks!
Side leg lifts are important for runners because they increase the hip strength, endurance and help to keep your hips level for a more efficient running gait and increased power production. Do these to reduce injury risk and become a stronger, faster runner! Thanks!
For beginning runners, back pain or other pains can cause a lot of issues. Usually, this is an indicator that your core muscles are weak or not working correctly. If you have never really done any core work before, this strengthening is a great way to get started. If you think that you are pretty …